SEO Agency

The Ugocom agency supports you in your objectives of visibility on the web, discover our different levers and areas of expertise:

Being present on the internet is a real challenge for organizations, at a time when web traffic is constantly growing and offering opportunities.

With one in two Internet users buying online, the Internet is now essential in any marketing strategy.

Image HTML - Optimisation technique SEOStudy and choice of keywords

Technical and site page optimization

Netlinking strategy

Rank tracking

For a customized study of your project > contact us

Image and visibility on the web: strategic issues

Competition is no longer limited to the products and services offered, but also and above all to the image and visibility of institutions.

Creating a website, being present is not always enough, on an increasingly popular media, it is sometimes necessary to resort to an SEO strategy to get qualified traffic and achieve its objectives.

The ugocom team offers you its expertise to set up a customized visibility strategy, analyzing your market, your targets and your direct competitors.

A panel of skills to achieve your SEO goals 

The first step of a SEO optimization project is based on the analysis of the existing.

This involves measuring the positioning of your site on the main search engines, examining the use of the technique to establish a guideline for its improvement.

Our service takes into account all the facets of this crucial step:

Editorial audit
Competitive analysis 
Technical audit
> Analysis and relevance of semantics
> Internal and external diagnosis

> Determination of objectives, conversions  
> Recommendations & recommendations

+ Information on the audit service

To position yourself and get qualified traffic, you need to identify the keywords used by targeted users, on the different search engines.

Ugocom carries out this investigation, and selects the most relevant expressions with regard to a set of factors:

> Popularity of expressions
> Degree of competition
Conversion potential
> Budget allocated for the mission
> Editorial content of the site

Quality programming and editorial content is essential to obtain an efficient SEO on search engines.

Our team is involved in several areas to achieve your SEO objectives:

/ The architecture of the site

The objective is to facilitate the crawl of pages by engines, to improve the speed of page loading, and to ensure the presence of clean URLS.

/ HTM code & content

Our efforts focus on the optimization of title tags, meta descriptions and the quality of content (number of words on the page, density of keywords, freshness, relevance...)


Content Strategy

Pictogramme Stylo - Ecrire pour le WebWriting for WebGoogle is more and more sensitive to content, we offer you to create consistency through new texts, according to your positioning objectives on jointly selected key expressions.

The added value of this service is based on semantic analysis and taking into account the specificities related to writing on the web.

It is important to have a network of qualified «incoming» links to improve your positioning on conventional search engines.

The acquisition of popularity is the most complex, the most time consuming and the one over which paradoxically companies have the least control.

The approach proposed by the agency takes place in three phases:

> Analysis of your current popularity
Analysis of your competitors' back links
> Development and implementation of the netlinking strategy

+ Information on netlinking service

The first stage of the project is based on a diagnosis of the site in order to submit recommendations for its optimization.

Just like, where we implement the recommendations and the action plan to achieve the objectives, we send you a positioning monitoring report on the key expressions to measure the impact of our work.

+ Information on reporting and monitoring services


SEO campaign on Google adwords

Complementary to your SEO campaign, and interesting to position yourself on generic and very competitive keywords, sponsored links can be a good option to remember.

Ugocom offers advice and management of your AdWords campaign, the objective is to increase your "quality score" to positively influence: the price of your clicks down and the average position of your ads up.

+ Information about the Google Adwords service