Marketing Automation / SMS & E-mailing

Tools that are simple, effective and quick to implement.

Ugocom announces the release of its new SMS and Emailing campaign management software.

Very easy to use, it can be accessed via a web browser and a broadband connection.

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The benefits of SMS :

A tool for the times: it's in every Frenchman's pocket. It's a new way of consuming and exchanging information.

80% of French people send SMS: SMS is no longer just for young people, since almost 80% of subscribers have sent at least one SMS in the last 6 months.

SMSing, the new Eldorado: a personalized SMS sent to a customer can be used to inform them of an offer, to thank them for a purchase or to follow up on a trade show. Customers can then confirm a purchase or reservation by SMS, or even make small payments directly from their phone

90% read rate: 90% of messages are read, and memorization rates are very high. The reactivity of this medium is also very good, since targets consult their SMS messages as soon as they receive them most of the time, since everyone carries their cell phone with them, whether in the office, at home or on the move.


We've set up a new Emailing module to make it easier for you to carry out sales campaigns by e-mail.

It's a simple, ergonomic tool that uses your site's graphic charter, allowing you to include news, press articles, products and, in general, all the information present on your website, as well as statistics linked to your campaign.